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When Women Connect, Great Things Happen.

Writer's picture: Andrea RubikAndrea Rubik

Updated: May 10, 2023

At Women in Digital Switzerland, our Mission and Vision is to build a strong, knowledgeable and inspiring community to empower diversity and inclusion in the Swiss digital economy.

"There are so many insanely capable and smart women doing amazing work. We don't need to look to the stars for inspiration".
Two women discuss something on a laptop screen

Why does community and connection matter? Our WDS President, Dr. Andrea Rubik, reflects on why real connection can bring new and unexpected opportunities in our careers, lives and collective wellbeing. Inspiration can arise from simply coming together. Take a read of her thoughts below.


A woman interviews another and holds the microphone up to her

I believe women are born "connectors". Many of us have a strong, biological desire to connect. In fact, when we connect people together, the level of oxytocin–the hormone responsible for the feeling of happiness and often called the “love hormone”–in our system unexpectedly rises, and cortisol, which helps the body respond to stress, falls.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that connections are good for business too, for when we feel good about our relationships with people, we are much more creative, productive and loyal.

While technology has had an enormous positive impact on our lives, and opened up new opportunities to ensure gender equality in the workplace, we also need to know when to put technology aside and meet someone in person. This is the only real way to harness the beauty of connection. Too often, we get carried away making and crossing out tasks on to-do lists, and spend our precious, limited time for breaks hunched over our desks. We're scrolling and liking to feel productive, instead of using that time to socialize in person. But what if coming back to meeting with real people could not only make us happier, but bring us closer to our goals?

Amid the busyness of life, we sometimes forget the power of connection. This is where I encourage you to find your real community of friends and colleagues. The ones who step in and pull us away from our cell phones and laptops, and take us to great lunches or a networking event where we can meet people again and be inspired by the stories and journeys of others. The real ones worth keeping will only want to hear a few excuses, and will make sure you find the time to meet. Find those connections, and be the connector also! Building acquaintances, relationships and friendships, and finding moments to share, socialize and experience life: these are what count at the end of the journey. And remember: there are so many insanely capable and smart women doing amazing work that we don't need to look to the stars for inspiration. We just need to look around us.

I am in awe of the number of amazing women leading change and helping us come together to overcome the obstacles that come our way. When women connect, great things happen.


Dr. Andrea Rubik

Find out more about our President, Dr. Andrea Rubik, at her website For WDS members, you can interact directly with Andrea in the member Forum, where she's an active part of community discussions.

Join our WDS events to find your community! See our upcoming events here.


Written by Dr. Andrea Rubik. Edited by Natalie Alexander Julien.


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